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Maxxforce DT

International / Navistar Maxxforce DT Maxxforce DT 2007-2008.5, High HP Engine Parts and Engine Kits
Engine serial numbers 3,000,000 up to year 2008.5, 255 to 300 horsepower
International / Navistar Maxxforce DT Maxxforce DT 2007-2008.5, Low HP Engine Parts and Engine Kits
Engine serial numbers 3,000,000 up to year 2008.5, 210 to 245 horsepower
International / Navistar Maxxforce DT Maxxforce DT 2008.5-2009, High HP Engine Parts and Engine Kits
Year 2008.5 to engine serial numbers 3,300,000, 245 to 300 horsepower
International / Navistar Maxxforce DT Maxxforce DT 2008.5-2009, Low HP Engine Parts and Engine Kits
Year 2008.5 to engine serial numbers 3,300,000, 210 to 230 horsepower
International / Navistar Maxxforce DT Maxxforce DT 2010, High HP Engine Parts and Engine Kits
Engine serial numbers 3,300,000 and up, 245 to 300 horsepower
International / Navistar Maxxforce DT Maxxforce DT 2010, Low HP Engine Parts and Engine Kits
Engine serial numbers 3,300,000 and up, 215 to 230 horsepower