Why am I being charge sales tax?
I haven't been charged sales tax in the past. Why am I seeing this charge now? The laws around charging sales tax for products have changed. Due to a recent Supreme Court Decision, we must charge sales tax in your state. Heavy Duty Pros will collect sales/use tax only for invoices generated on and after October 1st 2018. All invoices from prior periods will not be affected.
What if I am tax exempt?
States that are currently being charged Sales Tax are below. Click on any state below to view the tax-exempt forms for that state. Once filled out please email this form to help@heavydutypros.com
How do I setup my account so that tax isn't charged online?
1. Create an account with our website
3. Once validated, we will mark your account tax exempt online.
Why is your competitor not charging sales tax?
Heavy Duty Pros complies with state laws and is unable to comment on the guidelines/compliance of other businesses. Failure to pay sales tax could result in state governed taxation at a later time.